Where was the Hallmark movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

Where was the movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

With the essence of a Christmas miracle, Hallmark movies, and mystery continue the wonderful season with “To All a Good Night.” Directed by Andy Mikita and written by Betsy Morris, it is a Christmas tale of a second chance to heal. The film beautifully explores themes of love, loss, and the importance of community.

The story revolves around an army veteran and a small-town photographer, who are brought together through a surprising connection.

Excluding the storyline and actors, “To All a Good Night” is also appreciated for its picturesque view. The natural background and the location made it more pleasing to watch.

If you like to visit and experience the place that you experienced while watching the movie. Then you will be surprised to know the location of the shooting of the movie.

To give a touch of the Christmas season, the movie was filmed in Canada. The low temperature and frequent snowing in Canada are perfect for presenting festivity. The main setup of the movie was kept in British Columbia, as it is the warmest province that remains mild throughout the year.

The majority of shots were filmed in Victoria. The shooting took over eighteen days and covered the area near Victoria, British Columbia.

It’s not new that the filmmakers have changed the original name of the place. Harmony Bay and Willow Glen are some of the places that are made by the makers.

Let’s look at some of the magnificent locations from “To All a Good Night” which can be visited.

1. Vancouver Island

There are many side scenes of Vancouver’s beach. In the opening scene, we see a beachside and children taking photos of deposits from the sea. The scene was filmed somewhere near Vancouver Island.

Where was the Hallmark movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

2.  Beacon Hill Park

The Beacon Hill Park runs from the town down to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It has amazing walking paths and coastal views. There were many side scenes in the movie that were shot in Beacon Hill Park.

Where was the Hallmark movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

3.   Niagara Falls at Goldstream Provincial Park

It is 20 to 30 min away from Victoria. It has a densely wooded campground with some hiking trails. The scene where Sam met with an accident and Ceci helped him was possibly shot here. In the movie, the place was named Willow Glen.

Where was the Hallmark movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

4.    Johnson Street

Johnson Street has colorful buildings and aesthetic shops. The fascinating squares and alleys were shown in the scene for a few seconds when Ceci and Penny were tracking the dog, Max. It is also possible that many indoor scenes were shot on Johnson Street or any residential area near it.

Where was the Hallmark movie “To All A Good Night” filmed

5.    Victoria Harbour:

It is a stunning harbor that has kilometers of picturesque trails. The beautiful walkways beachside boardwalks and floating houses can be seen in the movie.

The scene after the school party towards night time, they walk by the riverside. In this scene, the harbor is visible in the background.


“To All a Good Night” is a heartwarming holiday movie to watch during family time. We hope you enjoyed discovering the places through our article.

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